<home> DMMPMM (features-BE_DMEL-footprint-Bigfoot) motif features [dmmpmm_features_html]

factor id average score best score worst score avg+sigma avg+2sigma avg+3sigma sequence count sequences w/o score > average+sigma sequences w/o scores > average+3sigma worst site in the set best site in the set flank length sites appearing on <flank length> sites apperaring on 2bp flanks % w/o sites % sites in flanks % sites in 2bp flanks % weak sites threshold weak words in the 'ready' motif
ABD_A -7.59 5.95 -19.44 -3.33 0.93 5.19 41 1 26 -12.33 5.95 6 1 2.44 2.44 60.98 5.19 25
ANTP -7.61 6.01 -15.39 -3.85 -0.09 3.67 12 1 -1.42 6.01 8.33 3.67
AP -6.03 5.5 -12.76 -2.78 0.48 3.74 14 7 0.02 5.5 50.0 3.74 4
BCD -9.0 7.76 -22.06 -4.43 0.13 4.69 48 2 19 -10.7 7.36 8 2 2 4.17 4.17 4.17 35.42 4.69 16
BRK -7.73 8.73 -16.79 -3.56 0.62 4.8 10 1 1.41 8.73 10.0 4.8
BR_Z1 -8.01 7.29 -23.12 -3.68 0.65 4.98 17 8 -3.39 7.24 47.06 4.98 5
BR_Z2 -7.0 6.18 -15.45 -3.31 0.38 4.07 21 7 1.21 6.07 33.33 4.07 5
BR_Z3 -9.08 8.67 -28.17 -4.47 0.14 4.75 16 9 -3.41 8.2 56.25 4.75 6
BR_Z4 -7.38 7.08 -17.58 -3.68 0.02 3.72 8 2 2.87 7.08 25.0 3.72 1
BYN -7.09 8.3 -18.42 -3.27 0.54 4.35 9 1 2.37 8.3 11.11 4.35
CAD -7.24 7.35 -20.51 -3.17 0.9 4.97 13 2 8 -5.93 7.35 9 2 2 15.38 15.38 15.38 46.15 4.97 6
DEAF1 -8.37 9.4 -21.58 -3.9 0.56 5.03 10 1 5 -4.87 8.34 9 1 1 10.0 10.0 10.0 40.0 5.03 1
DFD -8.44 7.39 -21.17 -4.27 -0.09 4.08 16 1 -4.04 7.39 6.25 4.08
DL -10.81 10.28 -32.27 -5.42 -0.02 5.38 38 18 -4.73 10.28 47.37 5.38 11
DREF -9.58 10.59 -23.03 -5.25 -0.92 3.42 9 2 -3.29 10.59 22.22 3.42
EIP74EF -7.28 8.76 -17.58 -3.42 0.45 4.32 8 5.85 8.02 4.32
EN -7.7 7.07 -22.72 -3.44 0.81 5.06 56 6 37 -6.54 7.07 8 6 4 10.71 10.71 7.14 55.36 5.06 39
EVE -7.98 7.45 -22.61 -3.69 0.6 4.89 20 1 10 -4.78 7.04 8 1 1 5.0 5.0 5.0 45.0 4.89 8
FTZ -7.71 6.92 -21.62 -3.54 0.64 4.81 66 4 39 -5.45 6.92 8 4 3 6.06 6.06 4.55 53.03 4.81 36
GRH -5.68 6.55 -13.82 -2.16 1.36 4.87 9 4 -0.16 6.55 44.44 4.87 4
GT -6.77 6.86 -15.38 -3.14 0.49 4.11 8 1 -1.12 6.66 12.5 4.11
HB -12.91 8.85 -26.63 -7.75 -2.6 2.56 103 15 -3.82 8.85 14.56 2.56 3
KNI -8.61 10.5 -29.03 -3.98 0.66 5.29 33 6 30 -9.59 6.83 13 6 4 18.18 18.18 12.12 72.73 5.29 13
KR -7.36 9.91 -21.49 -3.36 0.64 4.63 45 6 27 -8.13 9.91 10 6 4 13.33 13.33 8.89 46.67 4.63 13
MAD -8.45 11.6 -27.37 -3.79 0.87 5.53 19 1 8 -5.84 9.5 11 1 1 5.26 5.26 5.26 36.84 5.53 2
MED -7.78 10.6 -24.17 -3.26 1.27 5.79 8 5 -2.38 8.99 62.5 5.79
OVO -7.56 7.18 -15.39 -3.75 0.06 3.87 12 4.73 7.18 3.87
PAN -7.34 6.24 -18.05 -3.29 0.77 4.82 25 12 0.29 6.24 48.0 4.82 13
PRD -6.83 7.61 -18.14 -3.0 0.83 4.66 11 5 0.27 6.76 45.45 4.66 2
SD -9.14 9.68 -34.45 -4.15 0.85 5.84 19 4 18 -9.8 6.38 12 4 3 21.05 21.05 15.79 73.68 5.84 7
SLBO -8.32 9.24 -23.91 -3.99 0.34 4.66 12 2 3 -11.92 8.33 10 2 1 16.67 16.67 8.33 8.33 4.66
SNA -8.16 9.04 -22.36 -3.83 0.49 4.82 11 1 1 -4.84 8.48 9 1 9.09 9.09 4.82 1
TIN -9.05 8.69 -17.39 -4.92 -0.8 3.33 11 1 1 -9.91 8.69 7 1 1 9.09 9.09 9.09 3.33
TLL -6.68 7.77 -19.92 -2.73 1.23 5.18 37 3 22 -6.31 7.77 8 2 1 8.11 5.41 2.7 51.35 5.18 21
TRL -9.07 11.57 -31.87 -4.0 1.08 6.16 77 8 53 -13.39 11.49 13 7 6 10.39 9.09 7.79 58.44 6.16 41
TTK -7.24 8.12 -15.38 -3.35 0.54 4.43 8 1 4.34 8.12 12.5 4.43 1
TWI -8.37 8.3 -20.68 -4.06 0.25 4.56 15 2 5 -12.65 8.3 8 2 2 13.33 13.33 13.33 20.0 4.56 1
UBX -8.13 6.19 -19.23 -3.86 0.41 4.68 60 1 33 -6.46 6.19 6 1 1.67 1.67 53.33 4.68 38
VVL -6.48 5.85 -13.41 -2.94 0.6 4.14 11 5 0.73 5.85 45.45 4.14 3
Z -9.29 7.09 -18.85 -4.77 -0.25 4.27 41 9 1.17 7.09 21.95 4.27 9
ZEN -7.88 6.49 -15.39 -4.14 -0.39 3.35 12 3.37 6.49 3.35 1